Sunday, September 6, 2009

My First Longaberger Open House: Inviting My First Guest

After my experience with the red mug, I was eager to share my discovery of Longaberger with my friends and neighbors. I was a little apprehensive, however, knowing how I sometimes react to people who are trying to sell me something. I decided to include my "Shiny Red Mug" story in the invitations I created and delivered the first one in person to a friend I had not seen in a few weeks.

Sue and her husband, Mike, were both at home when I stopped by and they invited me in to visit. After catching up a bit, I told them I had recently started my own home-based business and that I had come over to deliver an invitation to my first Longaberger Open House. Much to my surprise they both exclaimed, "Longaberger! We love Longaberger!" Sue told me that many years ago she had purchased several Longaberger baskets from a quilting friend who was no longer in business. I had been to their home many times and had never seen the baskets, so I asked if she would show them to me. Sue took me to her office, which had recently been relocated to a downstairs bedroom. There she had a Longaberger waste basket and a storage basket for her papers which the cat had absconded for a bed. We then went to the kitchen where she showed me a basket they used for mail and bills that was hanging on the wall.

Needless to say I was thrilled. Not only did they love the Longaberger baskets, Sue was interested in seeing the Woven Traditions pottery which had not been available when she purchased her baskets. Like me, she was tired of her odd collection of mugs and was wanting to find some new ones that would go with her other dishes. Suddenly, I didn't feel like I was trying to sell something anymore, I felt like I was offering a service to someone who loved this product, and that felt good. I just had to find other people like Sue and Mike, who already loved Longaberger, or people like me, who were looking for Longaberger and didn't even know it.

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